How majestic and protective is Nature!
The Sky clothes the Earth in soft woolen-like Clouds protecting Her from the unwanted intrusions and exploitation of Man. This conveys a sense of timelessness as if this is the way it was for eternity.
It is beyond the measurement of Man and much beyond his Senses and Understanding.
Let he who is part of Nature enter this place-the rest shall enter only at their peril.
The Clouds represent a merging of the Ether and Water Elements, conveying a spiritual meaning.
The Mountains represent heights, perfection and Mother Earth’s bosoms in a poetic manner. The Universe and Mother Earth join hands in maintaining Nature.
–Ulhas Sodankoor Bhat
I am Ulhas Sodankoor Bhat, a practising professional from Mangalore, Karnataka. I have an interest in the field of photography, as well as writing short stories, anecdotes, articles and other such small articles.
I have written some stories, though never published them up to now.–Ulhas Sodankoor Bhat
“Mediation” is a photo-writing project where a black and white photo ( shot by me ) is used to express the feelings of the writer through words . These posts are written by different people. Two languages are used one is Kannada which is my mother tongue and the other is English. To know more about this project please check this link.
Dinesh Maneer
Photographer. Writer .Trekker.Traveler.Businessman based out of Karnataka, India